The third ICGA conference ‘Biobanking to Omics: Collecting the Global Experience’ was organized in online format on 13-14 January 2022. The conference brought together global experts who have successfully built comprehensive datasets to understand genetic and molecular profiles of cancer. As ICGA begins the cancer profiling activities in India, the global experience would set a benchmark and be a guide towards […]
2nd TCGA India – ICGA Conference and Workshop : 2020
During December 3-5, 2020, the 2nd TCGA India Conference and Workshop was organised in online format by Centre for Translational Cancer Research (CTCR, a joint initiative of IISER Pune and Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, Pune), Persistent Systems, TCGA (NCI, NIH, USA) Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR)- Institute of Genomics and Integrative, Institute of Cancer Research (London, UK) and DBT-Wellcome […]
1st TCGA India Conference and Workshop : 2019
During September 20-25, 2019, Prashanti Cancer Care Mission, IISER Pune, and Persistent Systems organized the first ever TCGA themed conference in India titled “Multi-omics Profiling of Cancers: Lessons from the TCGA”. About TCGA TCGA is a landmark cancer genomics collaboration between the National Cancer Institute (NCI) and the National Human Genome Research Institute (NHGRI) that has generated comprehensive, multi-dimensional maps […]